WWARA Coordination Policies – December 2017

The WWARA is a voluntary association of relay system owners and individuals who are authorized to operate in the amateur repeater sub band spectrum identified in CFR Title 47, Part The Association has collectively determined that the coordination of relay systems is essential to maximize the finite spectrum resources allocated to amateur radio and minimize the interference between systems and individuals who are authorized to operate in the repeater sub band. The success of the Association is solely dependent on those amateurs who actively cooperate and participate in spectrum management and contribute to the coordination processes. A major goal of the WWARA is to educate and assist individuals who are authorized to operate in the repeater sub band spectrum identified in CFR Title 47, Part 97 in suggested operation of relay stations.

The WWARA shall not act as a spectrum enforcer for CFR Title 47 Part 97. All parties must realize that the amateur spectrum is a fragile and finite resource and abuse can spoil it for everyone now and in the future. Coordination by its name implies cooperation. Any party wishing to develop and operate a relay system should feel obligated to seek the synergy of existing relay system operators and individuals who are authorized to operate in the repeater sub bands through WWARA coordination / recommendation, prior to placing any relay system in operation.

The FCC has stated that where the transmission of a repeater causes harmful interference to another repeater, the two station licensees are equally and fully responsible for resolving the interference unless the operation of one station is recommended by a frequency coordinator and the operation of the other station is not. (CFR Title 47, Part 97, Section 97.205c) In that case, the licensee of the non-coordinated repeater has the primary responsibility to resolve the interference. Additionally, the WWARA hopes to educate and assist individuals who are authorized to operate in the Amateur repeater sub band spectrum identified in CFR Title 47, Part 97 in the methods of operation to eliminate interference to relay systems and others who share this fragile and finite resource.

The WWARA will accept application from any duly licensed individual or amateur group and will issue a Certificate of Coordination based on the following policies and procedures. However, the WWARA reserves the right to deny requests for Certificate of Coordination to applicants or to revoke Certificates of Coordination for those who refuse to abide by these WWARA
Coordination Policies and Procedures.

The WWARA does not issue Certificates of Coordination, channelize, or attempt to create band plans for simplex frequencies falling outside the area reserved for repeater inputs or outputs as defined by CFR Title 47 Part 97. The boundaries of the WWARA coordination responsibility are defined as:

  1. North – The U.S.A. – Canadian Border.
  2. East – The Cascade Mountain Crest.
  3. South- The southern boundary of the WWARA, starting from the mouth of the Columbia River, is the Oregon – Washington border, eastward to Longview, then south, to the point near Woodland, adjacent to I-5 exit #21, to the Lewis river then eastward to its beginning then eastward to the Cascade Crest.
  4. West – Pacific Ocean.


All coordinations / recommendations are for a specific:

  • a) Frequency(s)
  • b) Transmitter location (latitude and longitude)
  • c) Effective Radiated Power
  • d) Radiation pattern (directional, non-directional*, etc)
  • e) Elevation (AMSL, AGL)
  • f) License Holder and designated alternative
    • Each coordination will be assigned to the License Holder or Trustee/Custodian of the call sign the repeater is operating under. (As identified on the FCC license)
    • 2) In addition a secondary point of contact will be named, this can either be an administrative or club trustee, if a club or group owns the repeater. Alternatively the License Holder may identify an alternative contact that is authorized to manage the repeater if the License Holder is unavailable.
  • g) Access Method (PL tone, DCS, etc)
  • h) Period of Time
  • i) Mode, or Modes (if more than one is to be available)
  • j) Occupied Bandwidth (Maximum, not-to-exceed; (20kHz; 12.5kHz; 6.25kHz, other)

This information is required for all applications. If requested, Items b and/or g may be withheld from publication.
* – Use of directional antennas may be an essential part of any given coordination.

All Coordinations will use receiver access control (CTCSS, DTMF, DPL, Frequency Shift Data, a recognized digital voice access method as incorporated in that mode, etc.) as a means of system access. Other means of access like cheap beep, or carrier access, are not acceptable.

The following are parameters for sharing repeater/linking pairs:

  1. Shared frequency shall not cause harmful interference. Harmful interference is defined in CFR Title 47, Part 97 as interference which endangers the functioning of radio navigation service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radio communication service operating in accordance with the Radio Regulations. Hearing the output of another co-channel system on the frequency is not considered harmful interference of and by itself.
  2. No fixed mileage separation criteria shall be used between co-channel or adjacent channel systems.
  3. Receiver coverage of a repeater is a large factor in determining the coverage of a system. Those systems with a number of voting receivers, receivers at elevations higher than the repeater transmitter or system operating with excessive transmitter power will not have extended coordination protection.
  4. Repeater DX’ing by users, or occasional tropospheric ducting episodes, may cause unintended interference to co-channel systems but is not a matter for WWARA action.
  5. Coordination holders shall use an acceptable form of access control for receiver protection except for brief test periods or for specific events. Carrier access is not acceptable.
  6. Link Coordinations shall not be available within the repeater sub-bands.

Coordinations are based on information provided by the applicant and contained on the WWARA Technical Data Sheet form. If a coordination holder significantly changes the location, access, antenna height or pattern, effective radiated power, frequency, or other operating parameters as defined in Section 1, the transmitter will then be required to be re-coordinated.

The WWARA secretary shall be notified in writing on the appropriate form. Re-coordination will be required to verify that interference to or from other repeaters does not occur. Re-coordination is not to allow another repeater or proposed repeater to be assigned to the frequency.

Note: Significant change shall be one or more of the following:

  1. A power change of 1 dB
  2. An antenna height change of more that 25 feet
  3. A horizontal move of more than 1500 feet.

For the 1 dB power change the WWARA uses a factor of .75 or 1.25 of the original power. For example, a 100-watt ERP station multiplied by .75 would be 75 watts, or multiplied by 1.25 would be 125 watts.

The WWARA shall consider interference harmful when the interference fulfills the requirements in CFR Title 47, Part 97. When the WWARA becomes aware the presence of harmful interference between two coordinated systems the parties will be asked by the appropriate WWARA Coordinating Committee (also known as the Band Committee or Band Committee Chair) to work to resolve the issue to their mutual satisfaction. Should this not resolve the issue, the WWARA may with the support of all parties appoint a mediator and/or ask for an independent evaluation from the Technical Committee. The WWARA reserves the right to terminate its coordination recommendation to any system whose COC (Certificate of Coordination) holder refuses to cooperate in a process to mitigate the interference.
Processing fees are used by the WWARA to offset cost incurred by the Association in processing the applicant’s application and to offset ongoing expenses of keeping Certificate of Coordination holders informed of activities that may impact their operation.

  1. All applicants seeking a Certificate of Coordination shall pay an Application Processing Fee.
  2. Certificate of Coordination holders wishing to renew their Certificate of Coordination or transfer their Certificate of Coordination shall not pay a processing fee.
  3. All processing fees are non-refundable.
  4. The WWARA webpage lists the current processing fees.

Applicants are responsible to request specific band and frequencies. The applicant is encouraged to seek guidance from the appropriate Band Committee Chair. It is the responsibility of the Association to determine whether or not the applicant’s request is feasible and can be made workable and if not, to review alternatives with the applicant.

  1. An applicant for WWARA Coordination services shall be assumed to have read and understood the Bylaws and Coordination Policies of the Association and by making application for coordination agrees to abide by them, as amended.
  2. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make a case to the WWARA that their proposed operation is feasible and will not violate any FCC rules, especially CFR Title 47, part 97.3 as it applies to interference to an existing coordinated user of the intended spectrum.
  3. Where co-channel use is being considered, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide the Association with verifiable documentation that such operation will not cause harmful interference as defined in CFR Title 47, part 97.3 to existing users of the spectrum. The applicant must provide written evidence of an agreement with any existing co-channel Coordination holder(s), for sharing the frequency pair, at least for the purposes of testing.
  4. Applicants shall make themselves available to the WWARA for the purpose of supplying additional information as may be required in the coordination process.
  5. The applicant may be requested to be present at the general business meeting to answer any questions that may be forthcoming from the Board and/or Membership.
  6. The applicant is required to work with WWARA in a good-faith manner. Any evidence of withholding pertinent information, deception, or untruth shall be grounds for dismissal of the application.
  7. Any application determined to be incomplete, impractical from an engineering perspective, or not in keeping with Part 97.101(a) [“… in accordance with good engineering and good amateur practice.”], may be dismissed.
  8. In addition to all usual requirements which pertain to repeater coordination, additional Condition(s) may be applied on a particular system Coordination in order to make it acceptable to the WWARA. The Applicant must agree to abide by these and a breach of any such additional Condition(s) shall void the Coordination.


  1. To work with applicants to determine the suitability of their proposals.
  2. To explain if required, the coordination process and to direct them to where they may obtain copies of the WWARA Bylaws and Coordination Policies.
  3. To direct and or supply the applicants with appropriate portions of the database.
  4. To work with the applicant as an advocate to assist them with the coordination process.
  5. To work with adjacent area coordinators as it applies to the request of the applicant. All such communications shall be copied to the Board Remailer.
  6. To communicate to the Board and Membership regarding the coordination process.
  7. Acknowledge to the applicant, within 30 days, as to the application being complete. Or return to the applicant for being incomplete and/or inaccurate.
  8. Notify all coordinated co-channel users of test operations.
  9. The Band Committee Chair may verify the operations of current coordinations as per Section 1.

Applicants are encouraged at any time to contact a Band Committee Chair to:

  1. Determine the suitability of their application.
  2. Determine whether co-channel issues require mitigation or other technical issues that would impact the application.
  3. Obtain assistance in the preparation of the application.
  4. Obtain assistance from the Band Committee Chair for site and or channel testing. Such informal activities are not recorded by the Secretary and are considered preliminary actions; however, the Band Committee Chair shall keep records of their actions. The transition from preliminary action to an application shall be the responsibility of the applicant.

The suitability of the applicant’s request shall be determined by the following:

  1. At the direction of the Band Committee Chair, a test system shall be deployed to verify the situation. This system is to use operating parameters and equipment as prescribed by the Band Committee Chair and shall operate only in strict accordance with the parameters as determined by the Band Committee Chair. Such a test operation shall NOT be deemed as an issuance of WWARA coordination. Such operation shall be with the full knowledge of all applicable co-channel users as well as the WWARA Board.
  2. A computer analysis of existing and proposed operations may be used, in addition to field-testing. Preferably the Longley-Rice (version 1.2.2) method of signal prediction in the presence of terrain obstructions (e.g. OET Bulletin 69, NTIA Report 82-100). Any costs for these procedures, beyond that covered by the standard processing fee shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. In the end the Band Committee, Board or the Membership may decline to recommend the applicants proposed operation. The WWARA, it’s Directors, Officers, or members will not be held liable for any costs or consequences as a result of these tests, actions or activities.

An application for coordination shall contain the following elements:

  1. Completed WWARA Technical Data Sheet form. One form for each transmitter.
  2. Any other supporting documentation.
  3. Non-refundable processing fee.

Applications are to be submitted to the WWARA Secretary. Incomplete applications will not be acted upon by the Secretary and will be returned to the applicant.

Application can be considered received by the WWARA using one of the following:

  1. Electronically via email using the WWARA web site. NOTE: Electronic applications are not considered complete until receipt of the processing fee.
  2. In person before or after a General Business Meeting.
  3. Via USPS mail to the WWARA Post Office box.

Upon receipt of a complete application the Secretary shall:

  1. Assign a tracking number to the application.
  2. Create a correspondence file for the application.
  3. Acknowledge receipt of the application to the applicant. This shall be via the official tracking system within 10 days of receipt.
  4. Forward a copy of the application, via the Board Remailer, to the appropriate Band Committee Chairman.

Upon receipt of an application as per Section 10, the Secretary shall assign a tracking number that will be used to track various aspects of the coordination and record keeping functions.
Within 10 calendar days the Secretary shall post the tracking number in the official tracking system. Different tracking number groups are assigned for each band:

  • 29 MHz- 1000
  • 50 MHz – 2000
  • 144 MHz – 3000
  • 222 MHz – 4000
  • 430-450 MHz – 5000 & 7000
  • 900 MHz and above – 6000

One tracking number shall be assigned for each coordination or coordination application. The tracking numbers shall be referenced in all related correspondence and communications. The Secretary shall maintain a cross-reference of tracking numbers and system files.

Application for coordination shall be acted on a first come first served basis. The following methods shall be used to establish the date of application:

Electronically via email Date transmitted by the Applicant’s ISP as
determined by the email header At a General Business Meeting All Applications Shall be Considered Delivered at the Same Time USPS Delivered Earliest Postmark

The Band Committee may dismiss an application for coordination for any of the following reasons but may not be limited to the following:

  1. Evidence that the applicant materially misrepresented facts on their application.
  2. Submission of an incomplete application as per Section 10.
  3. Where it can be shown that intended operation would cause interference to an existing coordinated system that cannot be mitigated.
  4. Where the application proposes operations that are in violation of CFR 47, Part 97. The Band Committee Chair may recommend for dismissal of an application by polling the Board. Reason(s) for such action shall be specified. A simple majority vote of the Board shall dismiss an application. The Secretary shall inform the applicant that the application was dismissed, and the reason(s) for doing so.
  5. Where multiple applications are submitted for the same repeater (transmitter), except as requested by a WWARA official, any or all may be dismissed by the Board or the Band Chair.

All applicants shall have the right to appeal any Band Committee Chair decision by using the Grievance Procedure as per Section 26.

Applications that are made for the same frequency and or same or similar location shall be deemed mutually exclusive. The determination as to which application shall take priority over the other shall be made by the Board. The Board shall base its decision on the following factors:

  1. Duplication of coverage of an existing system.
  2. Coverage of a non-served area.
  3. Potential for Interference.
  4. Who first proposed the system or operation.
  5. Other means of comparison as agreed to by the applicants.


  1. The applicant submits an application to the Secretary as per Sections 10 and 11.
  2. The Secretary acknowledges the application via the official tracking system within ten days of receipt.
  3. The Application is referred to the appropriate Band Committee Chair via the Board Remailer for action. The Band Committee Chair shall liaise with the applicant to ensure all technical and procedural requirements are met, and if appropriate, shall supervise a test period to demonstrate that no interference issues exist.
  4. Upon written or electronic notification from the Band Committee Chair of a recommendation for a test period, the applicant shall be given six months to place the system on the air for testing and verification of no harmful interference. If the proposed system is not placed in service within the six-month construction/testing period, the WWARA may, without notice to the applicant, withdraw its recommendation to operate and may issue its recommendation to another applicant without recourse. If however the applicant notifies the WWARA within this six-month period in writing that circumstances require additional time to place the system in operation the WWARA may extend the construction period up to an additional six months, not to exceed one year total.
  5. If the Band Committee Chair recommends approval, the Band Committee Chair shall request a poll on the Operations Group for the Board to consider.
  6. After the Board reviews the application and supporting documentation, they may then recommend the application for approval, by voting in favor of the coordination in the poll.
    1. The vote will be open for one week from date originally posted or until all members of the Board have voted.
    1. A unanimous vote shall decide this poll.
    2. If the vote is not unanimous, an Executive Session of the WWARA Board shall be convened, either in person, electronically or telephonically, to discuss such issue or issues as prompted the split vote.
    3. Following the Executive Session (above) a second vote shall be conducted. A simple majority of the WWARA Board shall decide this vote.
  7. If the Board votes approval of the application, the Band Committee Chair shall advise the Membership, via the Members Remailer, of the pending coordination.
    1. The Membership shall have 14 days to comment. Upon no dissenting opinions, via the Board Remailer and the Members Remailer, the applicant shall be issued a Certificate of Coordination (COC) that shall be sent no later than 90 days after the date of final approval.
    2. If a dissenting opinion is raised by the membership, a special poll will be posted to the Membership. A simple majority of votes of current Members will be considered the recommendation to the Board on how to proceed.

h) The COC conveys to the applicant the WWARA’s recommendation based on all data available to the WWARA at the time the COC was issued. A COC is not a guarantee of a clear frequency. The suitability of the frequency shall be the responsibility of the applicant.
i) The Secretary shall inform the impacted adjacent areas of the action.
j) The Secretary shall update the WWARA Official database within 14 days of the final date of approval. The database record shall be the official record of WWARA recommendation, subject to agreement with data on pertinent Technical Data Sheet form or other supporting documentation.

It shall be the responsibility of the Certificate of Coordination holder to keep the WWARA informed as to the status of the system by having an up to date Technical Data Sheet form on file with the Secretary at all times.
Absent special circumstances, any correspondence from the WWARA shall be directed to the Certificate of Coordination holder. To facilitate this correspondence the certificate holder shall keep the WWARA Secretary informed at all times as to their current USPS and e-mail addresses, in addition to their phone number.
Where an organization is the sponsor of a repeater, the Certificate of Coordination holder for such a repeater must be an individual of proper amateur radio license class appointed by the organization. Notification of any change of the Certificate of Coordination holder or system status must be by WWARA Technical Data Sheet form submitted and signed by the Chief
Officer of such organization.
All communication regarding coordination shall be in writing or e-mail. Verbal communication shall not be binding. It is the Certificate of Coordination holder’s responsibility to insure the WWARA is in receipt of any and all correspondence.

Any significant station parameter change, as per Section 2, as specified on the Certificate of Coordination, made without prior approval by the WWARA shall result in cancellation of the Certificate of Coordination. The WWARA shall cancel a Certificate of Coordination as follows:

  1. For failure to notify the WWARA within six months of the initial issuance of the Certificate of Coordination, or extension thereof, as to the operation of the system.
  2. For failure to occupy and utilize the frequencies as described by the Certificate of Coordination for a period of six months without the approval of the WWARA. In no case shall the frequency be held vacant for a period exceeding one year.
  3. For operation in violation of WWARA coordination policies.
  4. For not operating in accordance with established WWARA band plans.
  5. For any system known to be operating in violation of CFR Title 47 part 97.
  6. For failure to file for renewal of a Certificate of Coordination prior to its expiration using a completed WWARA Technical Data Sheet form. This form must be kept current and updated at least every five years.

The Data Base Manager (also known as the Data Manager) as a courtesy will make available on the WWARA Website, a “Database Extract” showing at least the expiration dates of all currently coordinated repeaters. No further notice will be given to the Certificate of Coordination holder. It is the sole responsibility of the Certificate of Coordination holder to monitor and renew their Coordination.

A six-month grace period will exist after a certificate expires wherein the holder may renew the certificate by re-applying using a WWARA Technical Data Sheet form and paying an Application Processing Fee. The Secretary shall notify the coordination holder of the violation / failure to comply via USPS mail. If a written or e-mail reply is not received within 30 calendar days, delineating the corrective action to be taken to bring the system into compliance, the Certificate of Coordination will be automatically canceled.

A Certificate of Coordination can be transferred to another individual or group provided that all of the following conditions are met:

  1. Both parties are in agreement.
  2. The new proposed Certificate of Coordination holder agrees to abide by the WWARA Coordination Polices.
  3. There are no reasonable objections to the transfer.
  4. There are no changes in the operating parameters of the system, as per Section 2.
  5. A new Certificate of Coordination will be issued to the new holder.

The following is the WWARA policy regarding Packet Radio Systems:

  1. The WWARA shall not issue a Certificate of Coordination to any Packet Radio system, except when the proposed system requires the use of a standard repeater pair or link frequencies. Modulation type and bandwidth shall be considered in frequency pair selection.
  2. The WWARA may require measures to protect existing coordinated co-site and/or adjacent frequency repeater from the effects of system performance degradation caused by Packet Radio Systems. Conventional FCC interference criteria will be used to determine degradation.
  3. The WWARA shall work with the ARRL, regional coordination organizations, as well as local and regional Packet Radio organization in the development of band plans that will set out specific bands for Packet Radio communications.
  4. Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to digital voice repeaters.

The WWARA has established several Shared Non Protected (SNP) repeater pairs. SNP systems should be registered by frequency and CTCSS tone and be kept current. Registration or Notification of intended use of a SNP frequency may be by filling out a WWARA Technical Data Sheet form and mailing to the WWARA official mail address. Questions not answered in
this section should be referred to the appropriate WWARA representative or Board member.
Other guidelines for the use of these frequencies are:

  1. All users of these frequencies shall share the use of it.
  2. Users receive no interference protection from other co-channel users.
  3. All systems shall use CTCSS access or other approved methods of limited access. No COR operation of any kind is permitted.

The WWARA Band Committee Chair shall track utilization of SNP frequencies within their respective bands and make this information available to all those requesting the same.

WWARA Coordination Policies – December 2017
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  1. Operation of SNP systems shall be on a non-interference basis with other coordinated systems as defined in CFR Title 47, Part 97.
  2. Use of SNP frequencies shall be restricted to voice/non-data and shall not be linked to other repeaters.
  3. The use of radios capable of crossband operation to facilitate a temporary repeater should not be used for a permanent installation but may be used for specific events not to exceed the duration of the event (typically two days). Physical separation of the radios should not exceed 1 mile. Transmitter power shall be the lowest power possible to facilitate communications as per CFR Title 47, Part 97. Cross Band Operation section may also apply.
  4. The SNP pairs using standard frequency paring are:
    1. 6 meters 51.19 – 52.99
    2. 2 meters 144.53-145.13 and 144.69 – 145.29
    3. 222 MHz 223.12 – 224.72 and 223.24 – 224.84
    4. 440 MHz 445.00 – 440.00 and 448.00 – 443.00
  5. Power recommendations (elevations in AMSL, Power is ERP in Watts) 0-500′ – 20 Watts 501 – 1000′ – 10 Watts 1001’ and greater may be recommended on a case-by-case basis by the WWARA or operated during a declared emergency.

Cross band repeater or duplex radios should:

  1. Never be used to link to an established repeater system or to link two established repeaters together without the express approval of the repeater owners.
  2. Be used for temporary, short duration activities only and never installed as a long-term communication facility.
  3. Utilize the minimum power necessary as per CFR Title 47, Part 97 to accomplish the desired communications. A transmitter placed in the vicinity of the operator should use a non-radiation load or be configured for minimum power output on a unity gain antenna.
  4. Utilize CTCSS decode and encode circuitry, or other appropriate access control method, to minimize uninvited access and unnecessary frequency congestion. Care should be exercised to use a unique CTCSS tone.
  5. Be identified every 10 minutes in accordance with CFR Title 47, Part 97.
  6. Be disabled by its operator within 15 minutes of notification of interference or other problems as defined in CFR Title 47, Part 97.
  7. Should be continually monitored by the operator to minimize interference.

Recommended cross band frequencies are: 29.600, 52.57, 146.60, 224.000, 440.025 and 1292.500.

Section 25: BAND PLANS
<<<<<<< published on WWARA website separately >>>>>>>

Any individual may appeal a WWARA decision. Appeals are first directed to the Board and then if requested to the Membership as follows:
Appeal to the Board

WWARA Coordination Policies – December 2017
Updated December 2017 11

  1. An individual wishing to appeal to the Board shall advise the Secretary of this decision either via email or USPS. The request will include sections of the policies that are applicable.
  2. Upon receipt of a request of appeal the Secretary shall advise the applicant via email or USPS of receipt of the appeal and shall determine whether or not this process can be accomplished electronically.
  3. All correspondence related to an appeal shall be forwarded to the Board Remailer.
  4. The applicant shall supply the Secretary with all applicable documentation supporting their position, which shall be forwarded to the Board Remailer.
  5. Any member of the Board may request additional information from the applicant.
  6. If the matter is handled electronically, the Board shall consider all the facts and render its decision.
  7. A simple majority of the Board shall be required to render a final decision.
  8. If it is determined, by a majority of the Board, that the matter cannot be resolved electronically a special meeting may be called pursuant to the WWARA Bylaws Article IV Section 4. The time and date for which shall be based on the ability of the applicant and a majority of the Board to attend.
  9. The physical Board meeting shall be held in a public location with reasonable effort being made to publicize it.
  10. The Physical Board Meeting should be scheduled prior to the next General Business Meeting so as to permit further appeal if needed.
  11. A summary of all appeal processes shall be published on the WWARA Web Site.
  12. The Secretary shall save all materials related to an appeal.
  13. Appeal to the Membership
    1. Any individual may appeal a Board decision to the membership.
    2. The applicant shall advise the Secretary of their decision to appeal to the membership.
    3. The Secretary shall acknowledge via email or USPS the receipt of the appeal and shall advise the applicant as to the date, time and location of the next General Business Meeting.
    4. All correspondence regarding an appeal shall be forwarded to the Board Remailer.
    5. The applicant shall be given time at the next General Business meeting of the Association.
    6. The fact that there will be an appeal of a Board decision shall be included on the WWARA Web Site/Members Remailer containing the meeting notice at which the appeal shall be made.
    7. The Secretary shall provide for the appeal within the meeting agenda.
    8. The applicant shall be afforded sufficient time to state their case and present supporting documentation.
    9. Costs related to the presentations made by the applicant shall be borne by the applicant.
    10. The decision of the majority of the members present shall represent the final decision of the WWARA in the matter.
    11. The Secretary shall save all materials related to an appeal.
    12. A summary of the appeal processes shall be published on the WWARA Web Site.

Applicants who feel that a final decision of the WWARA is unfair or is otherwise not justified based on the Association failing to follow its own bylaws, policies or procedures is advised to take the matter to the American Radio Relay League Arbitration Service as established March

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1988, the NFCC or a mutually acceptable organization who is a member of the American Arbitration Association.