The WWARA started discussing the eventual ‘narrowbanding’ of the WWARA repeater sub-band in western Washington in early 2019. The current state of that effort has been captured in the Narrowband Proposal document. In the first iteration, the 2m and 70cm bands were mapped out and showing the conversion from 20 kHz (for 2m) and 25 kHz (for 70cm) to 12.5 kHz channels.

The plan for 2020 was to begin an outreach effort, sharing this plan and collecting feedback from as many groups in western Washington as possible. The COVID19 situation has made that more challenging, with many of the large events (Comm Academy and Seaside hamfest) being canceled. The slide deck that KU7M has been using is provided for reference, although most of the ‘meat’ of the presentation is in the speaking notes.

For those interested in exploring and trying a narrowband repeater, there are many options. Any of the digital repeater systems listed in the repeater coordination list are by definition, narrowband. This includes any of the DSTAR, DMR, P25 or System Fusion digital modes. In addition the first 2m narrowband analog system has been in service since March 2020 on East Tiger mountain (KF7BJI) and is open to all users on 146.8750 (tone 103.5).

To provide a tracking of the effort, a history of the public presentations is also being captured. A big thank you to all the clubs who have been nice enough to host and listen to the presentation.

DateGroup / Club NamePresenter
June 1, 2019SEA-PAC Hamfest 2019, Seaside, ORKU7M
Feb 11, 2020WWDXC Club KU7M
May 7, 2020SnoVARC Club (virtual)KU7M
May 14, 2020Thurston County ARES (TCARES)KU7M
July 21, 2020MicroHAMsKU7M
Aug 14, 2020Radio Amateurs of Skagit CountyKU7M
Oct 1, 2020BEARS Executive CommitteeKU7M
Nov 14, 2020PSRG (Puget Sound Repeater Grp)KU7M
Dec 19, 2020Mike and KeyKU7M
Jan 21, 2021Snohomish ACS (PDF of Slides)KU7M
Feb 12, 2021Federal Way ARCKU7M
Apr 18, 2021ORRC Narrowband DiscussionKU7M
May 9, 2024Edmonds ARC KU7M
Who will be next?